Hearts and Hammers provides assistance to people who are 60+ years old, disabled, or severely ill. They also provide services to current or former armed forces members and their spouses. The services are free of charge unless and so are materials, unless materials are needed that Hearts and Hammers do not actively stock. A social security statement is required for elderly people and a medical statement is required for disabled or severely ill people. The services that are provided include landscaping, minor repairs, painting, and outdoor cleanup. 30-40 volunteers and a small number of handymen are provided to come to the site.
651-636-0797 | info@heartsandhammers.org
In order to use this service you must make less than the income below.
Household size (monthly / yearly income):
- 1: $2,683 / $32,200
- 2: $3,629 / $43,550
- 3: $4,575 / $54,900
- 4: $5,521 / $66,250
- +$11,350 per year for each additional person.