City of Shoreview
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Renee Eisenbeisz, assistant city manager
651-490-4613 l Email Renee
Citizens' Leadership Academy
City government touches so many facets of our everyday lives – from the streets we drive on to the clean water that we drink. We know that our trash is picked up every week, and that help is minutes away should we ever have to dial 9-1-1 in an emergency. But exactly how does our city operate?
The city created the citizens’ leadership academy in 2016 to promote a deeper understanding of what local government does and how it works. The academy includes seven evening meetings, which are a combination of tours, speakers, interactive participation and Q&A sessions. You will learn more about the function of city government and ongoing programs and services. Plus, you'll get to meet new people.
The cost is FREE and the only commitment is that you are asked to attend all sessions. Light refreshments will be served.
The next academy will be in 2025.