Ideal for kids 10 and under.
- Capacity: 195
- Zero-depth entry
- Large play structure
- Slides
- Sprayers and buckets
- Bamboo Bay is unguarded on weekdays
- Adults must go with children and remain within an arm's reach at all times
Bamboo Bay unguarded
Due to staffing issues and many requests for more hours, Bamboo Bay will be open days unguarded. Lifeguards will not be present during weekday hours. Because of this, capacity is limited to 75 guests. Adults must go with children in Bamboo Bay and remain within an arm's reach at all times. We also have free life jackets available for use on a first-come, first-served basis.
Bamboo Bay will still be guarded on weekends and during periods of high volume.
We will continue to evaluate this policy as our staffing situation changes.