City of Shoreview
Home MenuSocial Media Policy
Shoreview uses social media pages to share public information with residents and visitors. We encourage you to engage with us and help shape your government.
The city's social media pages are a moderated discussion. The city may hide or delete comments that are:
- Profane, racist, or obscene
- Personal attacks or hate speech
- Libelous
- Abusive or inappropriate toward any person or ethnic, racial or religious group
- Sexual content or links to sexual content
- Encourage illegal activity
- Commercial promotions or spam
- Clearly off topic
- Private personal information
- Plagiarized or copyright protected content
- Compromise public safety
- Support or oppose political campaigns or religious groups.
Social media pages are monitored during standard business hours - Monday-Friday, 8 am - 4:30 pm.
View the full social media policy. [PDF]
Shoreview does not share information gathered through its social media sites for promotional purposes. Any information provided is subject to the Minnesota Data Practices Act and considered public information.
The city may remove or add social media pages at any time.